Kendi adima ben ayak konusunda sansli biri degilim. Ince ve kucuk ayakli olmam bir avantaj tabi ama derim cok hassas oldugu icin her ayakkabinin vuruyor olmasi, parmaklarimin ve topuklarimin cok catliyor olmasi vs. problemler basimi cok agritiyor. Dolayisiyla hayallerimi susleyen yumusacik pembe beyaz topuklarla ruyalarda bulusuyoruz.
Dedigim gibi ponzayi biraktim. Peki yerine ne kullandim da duzeldi?
Iste son 2 aydir (acik ayakkabi giymeyi biraktigimdan beri) bu iki arkadasi kullandim ve cok memnun kaldim.
Unfortunately, I am really unlucky feet wise. It is nice that they are small and narrow, so I can find nice stuff on sale and high heels looks even cuter. However, my heels are cracked, and dry. I have used tons of products to fix it. None of them worked so far.

Normalde The Body Shop urunlerini kalitesine oranla fazla pahali buldugum icin biraz onyargili olmama ragmen bloglarda okudugum guzel yorumlar sonucu gidip bakmaya karar verdim.
Kullandigim cilt bakimi urunlerinden cok memnun oldugum icin (ki bir ara ondan da bahsedecegim) cilt bakim reyonuna hic yuz vermedim, ve direk vucut bakimina yoneldim.
Yogun nane kokusunu sevdigim icin nedir nasil kullanilir diye dusunmeden daha koklar koklamaz bu seriden bir seyler almaya karar verdim. Daha sonra ihtiyaclarim dogrultusunda bu ikisinde karar kildim.
Recently, I went to The Body Shop because I was keep reading nice reviews about TBS products and I was so excited to try them some of them.
I havent't even looked at the facial skin care products because I am so happy with Dermalogica. I have looked at shower jells and body lotions and I found them little so over priced. Honestly, I don't think they were special at all.
Then, I saw these beatiful babies and smell them. I was pretty sure I will get them right away. I fall in love with that refreshing minty menthol smell.
Ilki ölü deriyi attirmayi hedefleyen rahlatici scrub
First one is a foot scrub
Banyoda (yada sicak su dolu bir kovanin icinde) ayaklarimizi yumusattiktan sonra cikarip kurulayip azicik topuklarimiza surup ovalamamiz gerekiyor. Ki ben bu islemi banyodan hemen sonra yapiyorum.
Bir kere catlak topuk sorununu ne kadar duzenli ponzayla ovsamda duzeltemedim. Hatta bu aralar ponzanin daha kotu yaptigini bile suphelenmeye basladim. Zira biraktigimdan beri daha iyi durumda topuklarim.
Dedigim gibi ponzayi biraktim. Peki yerine ne kullandim da duzeldi?
Iste son 2 aydir (acik ayakkabi giymeyi biraktigimdan beri) bu iki arkadasi kullandim ve cok memnun kaldim.
Unfortunately, I am really unlucky feet wise. It is nice that they are small and narrow, so I can find nice stuff on sale and high heels looks even cuter. However, my heels are cracked, and dry. I have used tons of products to fix it. None of them worked so far.

Normalde The Body Shop urunlerini kalitesine oranla fazla pahali buldugum icin biraz onyargili olmama ragmen bloglarda okudugum guzel yorumlar sonucu gidip bakmaya karar verdim.
Kullandigim cilt bakimi urunlerinden cok memnun oldugum icin (ki bir ara ondan da bahsedecegim) cilt bakim reyonuna hic yuz vermedim, ve direk vucut bakimina yoneldim.
Yogun nane kokusunu sevdigim icin nedir nasil kullanilir diye dusunmeden daha koklar koklamaz bu seriden bir seyler almaya karar verdim. Daha sonra ihtiyaclarim dogrultusunda bu ikisinde karar kildim.
Recently, I went to The Body Shop because I was keep reading nice reviews about TBS products and I was so excited to try them some of them.
I havent't even looked at the facial skin care products because I am so happy with Dermalogica. I have looked at shower jells and body lotions and I found them little so over priced. Honestly, I don't think they were special at all.
Then, I saw these beatiful babies and smell them. I was pretty sure I will get them right away. I fall in love with that refreshing minty menthol smell.
Ilki ölü deriyi attirmayi hedefleyen rahlatici scrub
First one is a foot scrub
Banyoda (yada sicak su dolu bir kovanin icinde) ayaklarimizi yumusattiktan sonra cikarip kurulayip azicik topuklarimiza surup ovalamamiz gerekiyor. Ki ben bu islemi banyodan hemen sonra yapiyorum.
Gercektende her defasinda derilerin putur putur dokuldugunu kendi gozlerımle görüyorum.
Bu islemi haftada en fazla 2-3 gun yapiyorum. Her gun yapmak fazla gelir diye dusunuyorum ama tabiki ayagindan ayagina fark var.
Bu islemi haftada en fazla 2-3 gun yapiyorum. Her gun yapmak fazla gelir diye dusunuyorum ama tabiki ayagindan ayagina fark var.
I use it after shower to get ride off death skin on my heel. So far, I have been using pumice and I am not sure, it was really helping at all. In fact, I am suspecting that it was making my heels even worse.
So, I stopped using pumice. Now, I only use this one and I really observed that it is getting better.
I agree that it's texture little too rough but since application area is also rough I guess it is fine. Right now I am using it every other day but later I am planning to use it less often.
Scrub sonrasinda da ayni seri de bulunan kremiyle kremliyorum.
O da tipki scrub gibi buram buram nane kokuyor.
O da tipki scrub gibi buram buram nane kokuyor.
Kremi surdukten sonra hemen corap giymek yerine 10-15 dakika corapsiz bir sekilde hic bir yere degmeden bekliyorum. Cok cabuk emiyor, hatta adeta iciyor ayaklarim kremi.
Sonrasinda yumusacik ayaklarimim keyfine bakiyorum.
After death, cracky skin left my heels, they need something to protect them. Intensive foot rescue is the one ready to do it.
This lotion is amazing!
I apply it and wait for 10-15 minutes. I don't touch anywhere or I don't wear socks or anything. I put my feets up and just wait.
Within 15 minutes my feet literally drinks it. The only thing I feel is perfectly softened heels without an oily skin (unlike most of the lotions)
Scrub $14, krem $18 (+vergiler) 2 al 3. Urun bedava vs. kampanyalarlariyla falan daha uygun bir fiyata geliyor tabiki ama Amerika sartlarinda cogunlugun alim gucune nazaran cok ucuz urunler degiller ama ise yariyor olmalarinda teselli buluyorum.
Scrub is $14 and lotion is $18 (of course plus tax). I know it is actually expensive but with the deals like buy 2 get 3rd for free, it comes better.
At least they really work well, so you get what you paid for which is pretty nice.
Denediginiz, tavsiye edebileceginiz ayak bakim varsa bilmek isterim. Onerilerinizi bekliyorum.
I would like to know what do you think about TBS foot scrub and lotion and of course if there are any other foot products you have tried and like, tell me about it.
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