Showing posts with label nordstrom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nordstrom. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Indirim ganimetleri {sale finds} ~

@ 10:53 PM 0 comments
Superga isini biraz abarttigimin farkindayim. Yillar once yasitlarimi kasip kavuran Converse firtinasina bile boyle tutulmamistim. Bir tane almistim, yetmisti. 
Bu sefer oyle olmadi. Ne zaman bir rengini alsam digerinde gozum kaliyor. Simdi de sarisina taktim mesela :) 
Neyse, bu seferki sayilmaz. Nordstrom'da yaz sonu %50 indiriminden aldim. Onumuzdeki yaz şortlarla, eteklerle bol bol giyerim artik.

 I already have 4 pairs of Superga and I bought one more. I know, maybe it is little too much. But I had very valid reasons this time. 
1) it was on sale at the Nordstrom
2) it is neon, and none of my Supergas are neon. I mean, it is different
3) aren't they look so awasome? :)
So I have got it, and I am so happy to have it. Guilt free shopping :)
Kate spade new york
Hani hic cantam yok ya, bir de canta aldim. Rengini, kalipli yapisini, tamamen deri olmasini ve tabiki kendi agirliginin hafif olmasi olmasini sevdim.  Zaten ne zamandir Kate Spade New York cantalarda gozum vardi. Indirimde denk getirmem iyi oldu. Zira guzel olduklari kadar pahalilar bu bebekler :(
Bir fast fashion urunune fazla para verirsem icime otururdu.

Bu boyle iyi oldu. 

Indirim ganimetlerim bu kadarcik bu sene. 
Bu aralar biraz kilo aldim o yuzden canim hic bir sey almak istemiyor.
Verdikten sonra gene baslarim coşmaya :) 

It has been long time I was looking for a nice Kate Spade bag but unfortunately ones I found never meet with my needs. 
For me, perfect bag should be small enough that it is not looking so bulky and bold, and large enough to carry my wallet, phone and kindle (those are things I carry most of the times with me), it should be leather, and light weight. Unfortunately, there are not many bags like that. 
Whenever I find one,  I always get it. 

After I bought it and take it to home, I still had some concerns. Because I think red is Christmasy color, I may not be able use it for all seasons. And then I started to think it is actually fine, since winter is pretty long in Chicago. 
Maybe because it is lighter shade of red, I can even use it on summer. 
I don't know, we will see.

The reason I couldn't shop more becase i gain few pounds recently and I am not confident with my body. One of the cause of my weight gain is eating out pretty much every day due to construction in my kitchen and it will be same for few more weeks. 
Then I will start to diet in my new kitchen and hopefully I will get my body back and fill up my shopping bag. 
Anyway, even thinking about dieting stresses me out. 

Good night guys!!!

Ps. Amerikali arkadaslarim blogumu okumak istedikleri icin Ingilizce de yazmaya basladim ama ceviri yapmayi sevmedigim icin kafama gore icimden geceni yaziyorum. Dahasi konusur gibi yaziyorum. Dolayisiyla dil bilgisi ve kelime hatalari yapiyor olabilirim. Neticede cogu zaman aksamin kör saatinde kafam kazan gibi oldugunda blogla ilgileniyorum. Bilginize...

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