Bugun aksam uzeri dolasmaya ciktim. Sehirde olunca, hava da kotu olunca hem yapacak baska sey olmadigindan hemde isinmak icin magazalari girip bakiyor. Kitapci, forever 21, Zara derken Home Good's'a geldi sira, ugradim ve bir porselen caydanlik + 4 fincanla ciktim.
Caydanligi almisim, hayirli olsun cayi demlememek olur mu? Olmaaaaz!
Peki, cay demleyince o cay kuru kuru gider mi? Gitmeeeez!
Yolumun uzerindeki Trader Joe'ya ugradigim gibi kaptim macaroonlari :)
This afternoon, I went out to take a walk. I stopped by some stores on my way because there wasn't much to do in such cold weather. Home Good's was one of the stores.
I found this nice porcelain tea pot and cups set. I like to have some shabby chic items in my place (actually maybe only in the kitchen. I am not sure if I like to see it in rest of my apartment.)
Since I got the pot, I felt like I should use it right away.
I always like to have tea with some sweets. Before I get back home, I stopped by Trader Joe and bought macaroons.
Cayla guzel gitti hakikaten.
Artik nasil gozum donmusse bir degil iki paket birden almisim. Acken alis-veris yapmak cidden tehlikeli :)
I think, tea & macaroons are a great combination. I should have them more often. I guess, it's not such a great idea to shop when I'm hungry because I bought 2 packs. My eyes are always bigger than my stomach.

2. Paket pek macaroon'a benzemiyordu. Hindistan cevizli kakaolu coco star'in cikolata kapli olmayan haline benzettim ama ama o da guzeldi. Bana gore ona da macoroon demek yerine baska bir isim verselermis daha iyi olurmus.
Eger Amerika'ya yolunuz duserse Trader Joe'ya ugrayip alin, deneyin bu bebekleri. Pek cok pastanede yedigim macaroon'dan cok daha lezizdiler.
The first pack was traditional macaroons but the second one was different. It was more like a coconut bar rather than a macaroon.
It would be better, if they give a different name to it. Because actually, it was tasty, just not a macaroon.
Anyway, I highly recommend the (first pack) macaroons in Trader Joe. It was even better than some of the coffee shop macaroons.
And please, let me know what is your favorite macaroons (brands or coffee shop if you are in chicago)
Caydanligi almisim, hayirli olsun cayi demlememek olur mu? Olmaaaaz!
Peki, cay demleyince o cay kuru kuru gider mi? Gitmeeeez!
Yolumun uzerindeki Trader Joe'ya ugradigim gibi kaptim macaroonlari :)
This afternoon, I went out to take a walk. I stopped by some stores on my way because there wasn't much to do in such cold weather. Home Good's was one of the stores.
I found this nice porcelain tea pot and cups set. I like to have some shabby chic items in my place (actually maybe only in the kitchen. I am not sure if I like to see it in rest of my apartment.)
Since I got the pot, I felt like I should use it right away.
I always like to have tea with some sweets. Before I get back home, I stopped by Trader Joe and bought macaroons.

Cayla guzel gitti hakikaten.
Artik nasil gozum donmusse bir degil iki paket birden almisim. Acken alis-veris yapmak cidden tehlikeli :)
I think, tea & macaroons are a great combination. I should have them more often. I guess, it's not such a great idea to shop when I'm hungry because I bought 2 packs. My eyes are always bigger than my stomach.

2. Paket pek macaroon'a benzemiyordu. Hindistan cevizli kakaolu coco star'in cikolata kapli olmayan haline benzettim ama ama o da guzeldi. Bana gore ona da macoroon demek yerine baska bir isim verselermis daha iyi olurmus.
Eger Amerika'ya yolunuz duserse Trader Joe'ya ugrayip alin, deneyin bu bebekleri. Pek cok pastanede yedigim macaroon'dan cok daha lezizdiler.
The first pack was traditional macaroons but the second one was different. It was more like a coconut bar rather than a macaroon.
It would be better, if they give a different name to it. Because actually, it was tasty, just not a macaroon.
Anyway, I highly recommend the (first pack) macaroons in Trader Joe. It was even better than some of the coffee shop macaroons.
And please, let me know what is your favorite macaroons (brands or coffee shop if you are in chicago)
Ps. Amerikali arkadaslarim blogumu okumak istedikleri icin Ingilizce de yazmaya basladim ama ceviri yapmayi sevmedigim icin kafama gore icimden geceni yaziyorum. Dahasi konusur gibi yaziyorum. Dolayisiyla dil bilgisi ve kelime hatalari yapiyor olabilirim. Neticede cogu zaman aksamin kör saatinde kafam kazan gibi oldugunda blogla ilgileniyorum. Bilginize...