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Gel gelelim, bu defa bir degişiklik yapip son zamanlarda hemen hemen her gun yaptigim ve esimin dostumun cok begendigi bir makyaji ve kullandigim urunleri paylasmak istiyorum.
Usually I am not a big fan of posting about make up. I have two reason not to post about make up
1)I take makeup blogging so serious and I believe that I should know more about this specific subject to write about it.
2)I am so lazy to take tons of photos and pick the right and most beautiful ones. It is a time consuming job and I don't want to spend my time with it.
However, this time I want to make a change and post about my everyday make up and products I use to make it.

O yuzdende konturlemeyi unutmusum :)
Hatta alligi da unutmusum ama bu sene belli belirsiz allik moda zaten :p
Peki kaştakı yamukluk neyın nesi diye sormayin cunku HD kaşa başladim. Bu aralar yampiri yumpiri takilicam :)
Ayrica resimde hafif şaşı cikmisim ama normalde degilim. Insanin kendi fotografini cekmesi cok zor bir seymis meger. Gerci yillar once bir eski erkek arkadasimda sasi olup olmadigimi sormustu. Ustelik 30 saat suren uzun bir yolculuktan sonra havaalanina karsilamaya geldiginde. O zamanlar cok salakmisim, uzulmustum. Simdi olsa hoduk der gecerim, bir daha da yuzune bakmam. Neyse, neden eski oldugunu anlamissinizdir zaten. O yuzden burayi gecip, makyaja donuyorum.
Final look is on the picture above.
It takes 5 minutes for me because I am so used to making it. Plus, it is so simple. :)

3 lu paketler halinde satiliyor ve 4-5 farkli cesidi var. Benimki natural smoky eye, yani dogal dumanli makyaj yapmak icin olani.
Renkler cok yogun, bazsiz kullanmama ragmen cok kalici, ama urban decay gibi cok cabuk sabitlenmiyor bu sayede istedigim gibi karistirabiliyor ve gun icerisinde daha acik gri dumanli kullandiktan sonra gece kucuk eklemelerde koyulastirarak hemen gece makyajina adapte edebiliyorum ve yok denecek kadar az akmayla gunu tamamlayabiliyorum.
Gozlerimin hassas oldugundan daha once bahsetmistim. Saatlerce gozumde kalmasina ragmen ne bir kasinti ne bir kizarma, hic bir sey olmuyor. Hatta varligini bile hissetmiyorum.
Yani ne diyebilirim ki, Physicians Formula beni yine yaniltmadi. Indirimden $8' a aldim, normal fiyati $12. Verdigim paranin her kurusunu sonuna kadar hakeden nadir urunlerden.
Tek kotu tarafi ambalaji sanirim. Cunku kapagini acarken kirilacak diye korkuyorum ama o kadar da olsun.
Bittiginde kesinlikle tekrar tekrar alacagim, ve farkli renklerini muhakkak deneyecegim.
It has been a long time I wanted to try kajals. They always look to me so easy and practical to apply. I just couldn't find the brand which seems to me good enough that I can use it on my very sensitive eyes without any concern.
They were in the trio pack. I bought all of them for about $8 on sale (regular price was $12) so it was kind of a good deal.
It is pretty easy to blend them with the other colors because they don't set too quick like Urban Decay eye pencils.
They don't smear or wear off and thankfully, don't irritate my eyes. Even though I don't use base to make them stay beautiful longer. Instead, I prefer to find the right products which stays long and nice without an eye shadow base.
I wore lighter grays during the day, then at night I retouch it with darker shades to create smoky eye look and I am ready for the night.
The only bad thing about its packaging is it's kind of hard to open the lid. I'm always afraid to break it when I open and close it. Because they are soft and creamy, there is no wood cover on them like the pencils. I can't think of any other kind of lid design but this one is making me nervous for sure.
I guess, needless to say but you can never go wrong with Physicians Formula. There was 4-5 different kinds of trios and I definitely want to try at least 2 of them and when I run out of it (if it ever happens), I will definitely repurchase them again.

Ben daha ziyade ruj insaniyim, o yuzden gloss'lara hep biraz mesafeliyimdir. Bu sefer nasil olduysa temptalia'nin gazina gelip aldim. Hemde ucer beser :) basta o kadar gloss'u napicam bilmiyorum desemde sonradan her gun kullanmaya basladigimi farkettim.
Yapisi cok guzel, asla yapis yapis degil, cok kuru dudagi bile (mesela benimki) nemli ve normal gosterebiliyor. Rengi cok dogal, icerisinde hic sim yok ve sanirim Cream Brulee'yi nude kategorisine koyabiliriz.
Birazcikta Kim Kardashian'in surekli kullandigi gloss'una benziyor sanki ne dersiniz?
I am definitely a lipstick person. Lip glosses I have tried so far was always too sticky, too shiny, too glittery etc. too much in many ways I don't like. So, I was pretty sure that it wasn't for me.
Recently, I have read nice reviews of temptalia about NYX butter glosses and there was a sale going on Cherry Culture for NYX products around the same time. It made me feel like, it is time to give a chance to them.
So far, I am happy with them although I though what am I going to do with these many lip glosses in the beginning.
I used cream brulee on the photo. It is not so sticky and there are no glitters. It is nicely completing the smoky eyes with its natural nude color.
I think it looks like the one Kim Kardashian use all the time. What do you think, is it?