Her zaman soyledigim gibi sac cilt konusunda sansli insanlara cok imreniyorum.
Saclarima bu kadar bakmasam imkani yok ne sekil alir ne de uzar.
O yuzden her markete gittigimde bakim yaglarinin bulundu bolume bakmadan gecemiyorum.
I have never been a lucky person for hair and skin.
If I didn't take care of my hair well, I am pretty sure it wasn't going to be as healthy and it wasn't going to grow as much.
For this reason, whenever I go to get groceries, I always check out the personal care section.
Sac tipim zayif, ince telli, az ve duz
Lutfen bu yaziyi bu sartlari goz onunde bulundurarak okuyun
My hair is thin, weak and straight
So take this into consideration while you are reading this post
Itiraf etmeliyimki hic bir yagdan hindistan cevizi yagindan aldigim performansi almadim.
Gel gelelim uzun sureli tutma zorunlulugu beni vazgecmeye zorluyor.
Elbette tumden birakacak degilim ama yeni arayislara bu sebepten hiz verdim.
I must confess that none of the oils I have tried work as good as coconut oil
However, it is not so user friendly
Long waiting hours makes me try different things.
Of course, I am not going to stop using it but still...
I mean, I am trying to find something else that works as well so I can take care of my hair better.
I used apricot oil for a few times and I really liked it.
I applied to the ends and wait 3-4 hours. During that time, I went to take a walk and bikram yoga
-I will tell about my yoga experience in another post hopefully-
Don't worry, I am not famous with my smell in the studio I go to.
It doesn't smell bad at all. Actually it doesn't smell at all.
And then I washed it. You know after bikram yoga I need to take shower anyway.
By the way, I like to state that I go to bikram yoga because heat might be affective on how the oil works. It may not be as affective in the cold. Who knows...
It is easy to clean it with shampoo twice. It doesn't fell sticky at all like some other oils I have tried.
It is definitely, easier to untangle afterwords.
Kayisi yagini bir kac kere kullandim ve memnun kaldim.
Uclarina surup 3-4 saat bekletiyorum. O arada yuruyuse yogaya falan gidiyorum.
-yoga deneyimimi baska bir yazida anlatacagim kismetse-
Daha yogun bir kayisi kokusu hayal etmistim ama oyle olmadi. Yinede oyle kotu bir kokusu falan yok. Hatta hic bir kokusu yok.
Merak etmeyin yani yogada kokulu kiz olarak sohret yapmis degilim.
Yoga demisken, Bikram yogaya gittigimi de belirtmek isterim cunku asiri sicak yagin saca emilimini etkileyebilir diye dusunuyorum.
Hafif bir yag, kolay ariniyor.
Yikandiktan sonra sac kolay taraniyor.
Bu gordugunuz siseyi Whole Foods'dan $14'a aldim. Miktarina kiyasla uygun bir fiyat.
Amazon ve Ebay'de bulunabilecegi kanaatindeyim.
Onerebileceginiz baska yaglar varsa tavsiyelere acigim.
I bought it for $14 in Whole Foods.
I am sure you can find it for cheaper in Amazon and Ebay.
Personally, I just didn't want to wait for shipping.
What do think? Have you ever tried apricot oil or any other oil?
What should I try next?