Gecen gun yolda yururken bu agaclari gordum. Sanirim sehirde yasamanin en guzel taraflarindan biri karsina her an bir guzelligin cikabiliyor olmasi. Bu bazen bir sokak sanatcisi, bazen seyyar kitapci, bazende suslu bir agac oluyor.
Bu fotografi 2 hafta kadar once cektim. Simdi sokaklar cok daha suslu, noel hazirliklari tam gaz devam ediyor. Iyi de oluyor, baska turlu Chicago'da kış cekilmezdi zaten.
Haftasonu zoo lights'i izlemeye gidecegiz. Gecen sene cok guzeldi. Izlemek isterseniz vidyosu burada. Bu sene de oyle olmasini umuyorum. Bakalim, yarin gorecegiz.
I think, one of the best parts of living in Chicago is that every so often you can see something nice in random places. Sometimes it's a street artist, sometimes book seller on my way, or a tree with the lights on.
I took this picture about 2 weeks ago. Now, there are more lights on the trees. Christmas preparation already started and I like it. Otherwise, winter in Chicago would be even harder to deal with.
We are planning to go to Zoo Lights this weekend. Last year it was so beautiful. If you like to watch, here is the link.
Hopefully, this year it will be as beautiful. We'll see tomorrow.
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