Neyseki, hakkinda kotu deneyimlerimi yazdigim markalarin beni dava edebilecegi bir ulkede yasamiyorum. Rahat rahat kotuleyebilirim. :)
Efendim, ben uzun zamandir nemlendirici olarak Dermalogica'nin Active Moist'ini kullaniyorum, gayette memnunum. Ama iste seytan durtuyor, nefsim degisiklik istiyor, daha iyisini herkes hakeder diyor, ve yeni urunler denemekten kendimi alamiyorum.
Gecen gun Nordstromda gezerken LaMer standindaki kizin yogun ilgisine takildim. Kizin anlattigina gore, bu kremi bir muhendis agabeyimiz calisirken yuzunu gozunu yakinca, yaralarini tedavi etmek icin ciktigi yolda tam 13 yil uzerinde calistiktan sonra "muhtesem formul" u kesfetmis. Daha sonra farkli yogunluklarda farkli formlarda kremlerini uretip kendi markasini yaratmis, ve kozmetik sektorune atilmis.
Abimiz keske muhendis kalsaymis!
Bosuna demiyorum ben, herkes isini yapmali diye.
Parmaklarda isitilarak kullanilmasi gereken cok yogun orjinal kremi 1 kez denedim. Direk surulebilen nispeten civik formullu soft kremi 2 kere kullandim.
Toplamda 3 kez kullandim ve 3 ayri yerde 3 tane agrili sivilce cikti yuzumde.
Hadi ilki tesaduftu, 2. si 3. su ne?
Allah'tan tam boyunu almamistim. Sadece verilen deneme boylarini kullanmistim. Zira her bir kremi 200-250 dolar arasi.
Yani kizlar demem o ki, bu markayi gorurseniz denemeden almayin. Kulaga cok hos gelen "muhtesem formul" gibi laflarla pazarlasalarda o muhtesemlik sizi bozabilir.
Aman dikkat edin!
If you are not reading this blog and this post by coincidence, you know that I mostly talk about products I liked in this blog. Because I always believe that something didn't work for me may work for someone else. But first time ever I will write about my bad experiences about a product.
I have used Dermalogica Active Moist as a moistriser for a long time and I was so happy with it. Recently, when I run out of my last bottle I decided to try someting different.
When I went to Nordstrom very sweet sales lady in LaMer told real good things about their products, talked about their "magic formula" , how an engineer who burned his face with chemicals found this "magic formula", all in one, etc... and everything. It sound awasome and she gave me a testers.
I used it for 3 days and now I am hoping that an engineer who found this cream should have stayed as an engineer. He shouldn't start work on this field becuase it is definitely what he is NOT good on.
First of all, I didn't like to texture. Yes, I didn't like to texture of all of them. They are either too thick or too thin. But i both case it desn't feels like my face moist enough.
it is sooo expensive. $200-250 a bottle is waaay more expensive than most of of the moistrisers in the market.
Most impostantly, 3 days of using these moistrisers gave me 3 big hurting acne and they stayed on my face about 2 weeks.
So no more new products!
I will stick with active moist!