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Ecnebilerin "live-in conditioner" dedikleri bizim sac acici sprey yada gliss dedigimiz sacin taranmasini kolaylastiran spreyleri ilk ciktigi zamanlar, kuaforlerin "mavi sac sivisi" adiyla dunya paraya sattiklari gunlerden beri kullaniyorum. Pahali mahali yinede varligina mutesekkir oldugum urunlerden biridir. Onlar yokken sacimi bagiris cagiris acilar icinde kivranarak taramakla sac kremi kullanip gun ortasinda vicik vicik yaglanmasi arasinda bir secim yapmak zorundaydim.
Son bir kac senede hemen hemen butun markalarin live-in sac spreyleri cikti. Cesitlilik ve rekabet acisindan iyi oldu. Hemen hemen hepsi ayni etkiyi yapip sadece sacimi taranir hale getirdikleri icin urune ozel bir yazi yazmayi hic dusunmedim bugune kadar ama bu farkli, hemde her bakimdan.
Live in conditioners are definetely life savers of thin, long, straight hairs. (here, I'm refering my own hair) I am using them since they first showed up on the market. I don't even remember how I was brushing my hair before them becuase there is no way to untangle my hair without.
I used various brands so far and all of them was pretty much the same. They were all untangling my hair right after I spray and leaving a silky feeling behind if it is the good one, otherwise it was leaving an oily feeling and make my hair stick onto my sculp and I was pretty much hating and never use them again or mix it with the water to make it work but it was pretty much it. Nothing extra. That's why I never find it necessary to write about it.
This time it was quite different experience.

Sonra digerleri sacimi ipek gibi yumusacik yapardi. Bu hafif sertlestiriyor. Iste tamda bu sertlestirme noktasinda karisik duygular yasiyorum.
Bir yandan sertligi hosuma gitmezken bir yandan sanki sac kopugu SIKmisimcasina verdigi hacime bayiliyorum. Sac kopugu gibi ama bir bakima degil gibide cunku sac kopugu sacimi karistirip dolastirip tuhaf bir halede getirebiliyor, yagmur yagdiginda butun saclarimi kafama yapistirip buzagi yalamis gibi dolasmama sebep olabiliyor. Bu onlarin hic birini yapmiyor. Chicago'nun dehset ruzgarinda bile sacim karismiyor ve yagmurda islansa bile kuruduktan sonra ayni kabarik haline geri donuyor.
Sekil ve taranma kolayligi disinda besleme, uzatma vs. guzellikleri yok ama duz seyrek, ince telli ve kafaya kapisan cinsten cabuk yaglanan saca uygun urun bulmak malum zor.
Dolayisiyla mevcut haliyle bile almaya deger bir urun diyebilirim. Zaman icerisinde SIKILir saclarimin ipeksi ve kafama yapisan halini ozlersem (sanmiyorum ya, bir ihtimal) ancak o zaman vazgecerim Garnier'dan,yani uzunca bir sure bittikce alacagimdan eminim.
First of all, so far they were all spray and I was spraying to my hair, doesn't really matter wet or dry hair, mix it little bit then brush. This one is foam. I have to apply to a dump hair with my hand which I didn't like that part so much because I have hard time to apply every part of my hair equally. So I put it in a sprayer bottle. I am happier with it now.
Unlike the other ones it is making my hair feel harder. So no more silky feeling. And I am experiencing mixed feelings about it.
While I like the volume as great as hair foam, I kind of miss my soft hair. However, unlike the foam does, even though it is snowy and/or rainy day, my hair gets wet but never looses it is volume. Once I dry it, it gets back its own volumunes look.
Other than volume, it doesn't offer much though. Volume is all you get.
However, If you have my kind of hair is enough for you.
I am pretty sure, I will keep buying it for a long time. At least until I find something else works better for me.
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