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Hava soguk olunca ne kadar istemesemde gundelik aktivitelerim kisitlaniyor. Titreye titreye carsi pazar gezmek, sahilde yurumek, alis-veris yapmak icimden gelmiyor.
Haliyle kendimi daha pasif aktivitelerle oyaliyorum. Kitap okumak bunlardan biri ama tabi benim gibi gezenti biriyseniz bunu evde yapmak istemezsiniz.
Son zamanlarda cogunlukla 2-3 sokak otemdeki kitapci Barnes & Noble'in kafesinde kitabimi okuyorum. Etrafimdaki herkes tipki benim gibi kitabina konsantre olmus, okuyor oluyor. Bu sekilde bende evdekinden daha iyi motive oluyorum. Ayrica kafenin pastalarina, caylarina da hastayim. Bazen bir seyler atistiriyorum. Agzim tatlaniyor, keyifleniyorum.
Unfortunately, there are limited things to do in Chicago winter because it is too cold. I know, I still can do a lot of things I do on summer but it is just not as much fun. Instead of trying to do same things I do on summer and freeze, then maybe even get sick. I prefer to go for more passive activities such as reading book, watching comedies, knitting, swing etc. Maybe they are not as good as tanning on the beach, walking or cycling around but still help me to stay away from seasonal depression.
Because we recently moved to our apartment, most of our stuff still in the boxes and I really have no idea where my swing and knitting materials. So my only options are watching and reading. When I am alone, I go for reading.
I can read at home but I really don't want to. I like to get dressed, and put my make up on, do my hair... If I stay at home, I definitely won't do any of them and it will make me feel depressed.
So, I prepare and go to Barnes & Noble about 2-3 blocks away from our apartment to read my books and of course their books sometimes. When everybody else reading, I motivate to my book easier, even though I don't necessarily love every part of all the books. Also, I love their cakes and teas. Sometimes, I have a sweet snake, and make myself happy.

Gecenlerde pastam ve cayim bittikten, okumakta oldugum kitaptan yorulduktan sonra kitapcinin kitaplarina gömuldum.
Last time when I was there, after I had my eclair and little tired (and maybe bored) of my book, I started to look at book store's books.
Son zamanlarda 2-3 kilo aldim. Cok takmiyorum aslinda, cunku kendimi begeniyorum. Yaza daha cok var. Veririm nasil olsa, hem sporda yapiyorum. Cok zor olmayacagini dusunuyorum ama yine de arada diyet kitaplarina bakmadan da edemiyorum. Icten ice vermem lazim diyorum.
Since we moved down to city our kitchen is under construction and it will be for a while. We mostly eat out and because of it we both gained few pounds. Honestly, I don't care about it much because I know that when we finish our kitchen and completely settle down, I will start to cook nice and clean food for us. Then probably, we will lose weight. On top of it, I do exercise right now, so it will be even easier to lose those pounds. However, somewhere inside of me also tells that "you should lose weight immediately". Especially when I don't fit in my clothes I like.
Pek cok diyet ve diyet kitabi var piyasada ama cogu hic bana gore degil. Bir kere benim yedigim ictigim lezzetli olmali, ben tatsiz tuzsuz seye gelemem. Disarida yemegi severim. Haftada 2-3 gun kesin restorant'a gitmek ve mukellef bir sofrada yemek yemek isterim. Hele acliga hic gelemem illaki yemem lazim. Mesela aksam 7'den sonra yeme derse ben buna uyamam. Ac acina yatarsam uykum kacar, uyuyamam falan falan... Kaprisliyim yani
I am searching for a new diet, new eating habit which I feel healthier and of course little smaller. I looked at diet books. There are lots of diet books in the market. Most of them are not for me. And I know I am the problem, not they are. First of all, I like to eat delicious food and when I don't eat delicious food, I don't feel satisfied and I keep feeling hungry (yes, hungry! not craving! I literally feel hungry). In addition, I like to eat out. I am a foodie, I like to discover different tastes. Plus, I can't starve myself. If I am hungry, I need to eat. So, not eating anything after 7 pm doesn't works for me, if I don't eat I can't sleep. Over all, as you can see, I am the problem kid.
Aramalarim sirasinda bu kitabi buldum:
Anyway, I found this book:

Kitabin basinda bir test var. Onu yaparak ne turden bir tombis oldugumuzu, nelerden en cok kalori aldigimizi ogreniyoruz.
In first chapter there is a test to learn what kind of eater you are.
Mesela ben emotional eater yani duygusal oburum. Teste gore SIKILdikca yiyormusum.
Ki cok dogru, okul, is, kotu erkek arkadas, etrafimdaki insanlarin surekli zayiflamam icin baski yapmasi, hatta tasinma bile beni aciktiriyor. Ne vakit stresten sIKIntidan fenalik geciriyorum, karnim gurul.
For example, I am an emotional eater. According to test, I eat whenever I have got bored.
And it is so true! Everything stresses me out making me hungry. I feel more hungry on exam week or before job interview, even moving making me feel hungry.
Bu kitapta oburluk turunuze gore oburlukla basetme yontemlerinin yani sira, gundelik hayatinizin icinde her gun gittiginiz yerlere gitmeye devam edip, yemege devam ederken, kucuk degisikliklerle bir miktar kaloriden kisip yavas yavas zayiflatmayi hedefliyor.
Main goal of this book is teaching you how to cope with over eating or calori intake (because you don't necessarily eat to get fat. You can drink and get tons of calories too).
Also, it teaches you right food to cut out some calories.
Mesela bagel yerine english muffin yiyin, mocha yerine skim latte icin diyor.
For example, instead of eating bagel, it says eat english muffin, or instead of drinking mocha, drink skim latte and cut 500 calories from breakfast.
Ise yarayacagina inaniyorum. Cunku lezzetli ve bol kalorili yiyeceklerin yerine lezzetli ve az kalorili yiyecekler oneriyor.
I think, it would work. Because it suggests subsitude one delicious option with another delicious option. And calori counting is the oldest, most famous way of losing weight.
Henuz almadim ama pek yakinda kitabi alacagim. Tamamini okuyup uyguladigimda goruslerimi tekrar yazarim.
I still haven't bought the book but I will buy it soon. When I read the whole book and try, I will post about it again to tell, if it really works.
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