Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Wimea Canyon Lookout {Kauai, Hawaii}~

@ 7:53 AM 0 comments
Needless to say, you know I don't like nature.
And you know, nature doesn't like me too.
Whenever I Go for an out door activity, something unpleasant happens to me.
I feel like all those insects, animal and everything know that I came and they hit me, bite me, hurt me.
I can't understand why?
I mean, why me?

Usually, I wouldn't go anywhere like there but I made an exception for Kauai
thankfully, nothing happened bad and it was wonderful.
One of the best views I have ever seen in my entire life. 
I definitely would like come here again and hopefully next time for hiking.

Tabiati sevmedigimi defalarca soylemisimdir herhalde.
O da beni sevmiyor zaten.
Nerede bortu bocek bilumum haserat gelir beni isirir.
Masmavi tek bir hayvanatin gozukmedigi denizde yuzerken kafama balik carpmisligi var. Hemde kocamandi.
Grup halinde gittigimiz barbeku partisinde ormanda bacagima sarilmis yilan var.
Daha da gitmedim zaten ormana filan. 

Ama tabi Kaua'ye kadar gelip kanyona gitmeyecek degilim. 
Herseyi goze aldim ve gittim.
Neyseki basima bir sey gelmedi.

Tek kelimeyle muhtesem bir yerdi. 
Buraya tekrar gelip hiking yapmayi cok isterim.

okayanus, yerel cicekler, agaclar, ve cok hafif yosun kokusu belki...
anlatmasi zor ama muhtesem bir koku. 
Icime cekmeye doyamadim.
Keske kokulari da record etmenin bir yolu olsa.
Ben record edemesemde siz hayal edin lutfen. 

Biliyorum ki, bazi fotograflar cok net ve guzel ciksada bazilari biraz karanlik yada bugulu gozukuyor.
Yinede hic bir fotografin uzerinde hic bir degisiklik yapmadim. Oldugu gibi, ciplak gozle nasil gozukuyorsa oyle yayinlamayi tercih ettim. 
Yani bu gordugunuz guzellikte en ufak bir isik oyunu, en ufak bir abarti yok.

ne kadarda muhtesem degil mi?

Although most photos are nice and clear, I know some photos are fogy, some are little dark, etc. not so perfect. Just to let you know, I didn't made any change on any of them. So it is exactly howit looks with the naked eye.

isn't it so wonderful?

Portofino Beach {Kauai, Hawaii}~

@ 7:10 AM 0 comments
Dear my European readers who lives in US,

Did you miss our wonderful beaches with a beautiful mountain view instead of endless ocean?
Did you miss using metric system?

if your answers are yes, 
Portofino beach in Kauai is a right place to come. 
I know it is little too far away especially if you are living in east coaat but believe me you won't regret!

Amerika'da yasiyorsunuz ve Avrupa'daki sahilleri ozlediniz.
Iste burasi dogru adres.
Avrupa'yi ozlesem direk giderim zaten yakin ne isim var Hawaii'de demeyin. Bazen oyle engeller cikiyorki yurtdisina cikilamayabiliyor ve bu insanin sinirlerini cidden yipratiyor.

here is the panaromic view
here is the road sign with a metric system.
How nice!
Although main land still didn't discovered that actually in everywehere else we use metric system and it is pretty useful, thankfully Hawaians already widely using it. 
I guess their next step is discovery of futbol. 
I mean real futbol -European futbol-
anyway, this is not our main subject today.

Metrik sistemin de kullanildigi bir kucuk koy. 
Ve hayir 21. yuzyilda hala kulacla, adimla parmak hesabi ve mille yapilan hic bir bilimselligi olmayan bir olcu birimini sevmeyecegim. 
Alismayacagim, terk falan da etmeyecegim.
Ya sev ya terketcilere selam olsun!

I loved everything in here. I felt like, I am in Italy and I needed to feel that way very much.

Her bakimdan olmasada pek cok bakimdan Italya sahillerine benziyordu. 
Hani gozumu kapatsam, uyusam ve tekrar acsam bir an kendimi italya'da zannederdim.
Zamanimiz kisitliydi o yuzden uyumadim, yuzdum :)
Orange sand???
Yes, it was orange. 

Everyhing looks little orange in here, right?
I guess beacause of the sand.
That's why I didn't made any change on light and exposure of the photos.

Fotograflara yansiyan hafif turuncumsu renk varya, o tamamen gercek.
Kum turuncu oldugundan herhalde...
Sand, people and hotel in the back, restaurant pretty much everything was feeling like Italy.
No wonder they called it Portofino beach.

Sadece koy degil, arkadaki restorant, insanlar ve baska hersey Avrupa gibiydi. Hatta pizza kokusu bile halk plajini andiriyordu :)
Niye portofino beach dediklerine o yuzden sasirmadim zaten.
Gerci New York'da var ama hic York'a benzemiyor :)
Neyse bu sefer tutturmuslar.
I know, those of you who have been there will think thank it doesn't exactly look like, but it definitely 
help to reduce my cravings until I go back the real one.

I hope, I can get back here one day. Especially if I can't get back to real one, any time soon.

Hawaii'deki Portofino'da guzeldi tabi ama bir dahaki sefere umarim gercegine donme sansim olur.
Avrupayi cok ozluyorum. Ozellikle bu aralar...

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